Church News & Notices

12th January

Many thanks to Paul for playing the organ this morning, especially after travelling so far to be here.

Youth Council will now meet on Monday 20th January rather than 13th January. The meeting on 20th will still be at 8pm in the Committee Room

Open Door Coffee meets on Friday of this week, 17th January from 10am until 12 noon in the Lounge

RADS are pleased to present a Theatre Dinner and Matinee on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February. The entertainment includes a comedy radio show about how a pantomime is produced.

Tickets for the two-course dinner and show which includes a glass of wine or juice for the Saturday show which commences at 7.30 pm, are £15 and tickets for the Sunday matinee which includes an afternoon tea and commences at 2,30 pm, are £10.

This show is being advertised early as tickets for it are available online and are selling and there are limitations on the number of tickets available because of the catering involved. Sue has some tickets at the back of the Church so let her or me know if you would like to attend even if you pay for the tickets later

The Christmas wishes tree  at the back of the Church over the Christmas period has raised £300 for the Salvation Army. This amount was supplemented by donations from those who attended the Open-Door Coffee meeting prior to Christmas for which many thanks. We are very grateful to Jennie Jones for her efforts in organising this appeal.

Tim with his Moderator hat on this coming week is at an annual gathering of URC Mission and Discipleship Animators from 14-16 January and next Sunday is leading morning worship, and Open Table evening service, at Downing Place Church, Cambridge. So, he is getting about!

Our service next week will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and we will be welcoming the Coverdale Puppets

There will be a retiring collection after the service today for the benefit of the Benevolent Fund

Refreshments will be served after the service today and you are very welcome to stay for a cuppa and a chat.

30th June 2024


 On Sunday, 9th June the joint congregations of Allerton and St Stephen's  URCs made a surprise presentation of a specially-commissioned preaching stole to mark Tim's   election as Moderator of The General Assembly of the United Reformed Church.  His term of office commences this month, July 2024 and will last for a year. To see the photos, click HERE

March 31st - Resurrection Day 2024




Easter 2023

Sunday, 31st March, Easter Sunday, will be a communion service led by Reverend Geoff Felton, the Moderator of Mersey Synod.

Ongoing Notices

It is our intention to carry on using the computer, projector and screen for our services here at Allerton. There is quite a bit of preparation that goes into having hymns and readings on the screen and we would like to spread the workload as best we can. If you or a member of your family are familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint and can spare a couple of hours once a month to assist with the setting up of a PowerPoint presentation, we would like to hear from you. Please speak to Ruth Winterburn or Charles Lasham.

Our Minister,Tim has been elected to be Moderator of General Assembly of the URC for the year commencing July 2024. This is a great accolade for him, and we extend our heartiest congratulations.