Church News & Notices

22nd September

Thanks to Dr. Nora Hart from Eshe Road Church, Crosby, for taking our service today. Nora has been here many times and it is good to see her return.

£807 was collected in the Commitment for Life offering envelopes in connection with our Harvest Service.

Monday Club meets Monday, 23rd September with a quiz.

There will be a church meeting during the service on Sunday, 13th October 2024, The meeting will consider, among other things, Finances, the accounts for 2023 and will also be our AGM.

Tim is in Wales today doing his Moderator duties. He will be on annual leave from 27 September and you should speak with any Elder if needed.

Next week’s service will be taken by My Wyn Davies.

15th September

Many thanks to Chris for playing the Organ/piano for us this morning.

Youth Council meets tomorrow evening 16th September at 8 pm in the Committee Room

Open Door Coffee meets on Friday of this week, 20th September from 10am until 12 noon in the Lounge

Anybody who has not yet returned their Commitment for Life envelope can pass them in today.

Thank you to all those who helped in the preparation and serving of the barbeque and clearing away after following last week’s Harvest Festival service, and thanks to all who came along for the event, which was convivial and a great success

Tim as Moderator of The General Assembly is at the URC Synod of Scotland until tomorrow and is fitting in preaching at Rutherglen, East Kirkbride and Hamilton. He is doing a live interview with UCB radio on Tuesday of this week and on Wednesday he is in London at a residential session of Church Related Community Workers

Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00am and will be led by Dr Norah Hart

Refreshments will be served after the service today, so please do enjoy a coffee and a chat, as usual

8th September

Many thanks to Paul for playing the organ for us this morning.

Open Door Coffee morning will be held on Friday 19th July.

Youth Council meets a week tomorrow, Monday, 16 September, at 8pm in the Committee Room

Anybody who has not yet returned their Commitment for Life envelope today is asked to bring it back next Sunday

We are seeking 2 volunteers who would be willing to join a rota to put out the chairs in the Church on a Saturday in readiness for our Sunday morning service . This would involve attending one Saturday a month at about 1 pm for half an hour to set up. If you would be prepared to join the rota could you please speak to David Jones or Nick Pye – many thanks

Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Steve Mitchell, Children & Youth Development Officer (CYDO) for Mersey Synod                  

There will be a barbecue lunch shortly after the end of the service today. All are welcome to stay behind and enjoy the meal and extended time of fellowship together. 

For more pictures of the event, please see the Photos page here.

Harvest Meal

4th August

Many thanks to Paul for playing the organ for us this morning.


There will be a collection in aid of the Benevolent Fund at the end of the service today.


Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Tim.


Refreshments will be served after the service today, so please do stay and enjoy a coffee and a chat.

3rd August 

A video  has just been published by Liverpool City Council:

Bishop John Perumbalath, Bishop Tom Neylon, Imaam Ahmed Ali from the Al-Rahma Mosque and Barry Levene, President of the Merseyside Jewish Representative Council call for peace and unity following the attacks in Southport.


Click here

or here


Please feel free to share as widely as you can.

30th July

Statement from Churches Together Mersey Region Church Leaders

Southport incident 29h July 2024


As church leaders, and on behalf of those we represent, we share with others across our communities our sense of shock, sadness and horror at the events which took place in Southport on 29th July. Life is a precious gift and, for it to be taken from children so young, is truly heart-breaking.

We offer our sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of all of those whose lives have been lost. We pray for those who remain critically ill and injured.

We hold everyone affected by this awful event in our hearts and our prayers, and call upon people of all faiths and none to come together to support them in whatever way we can.

We express our thanks to the members of the emergency services and to the medical professionals for their commitment and service in the face of this of this horrific attack. We commit ourselves afresh to standing against brutality and violence in every form and doing all we can to build safe, caring and strong communities.



Revd Dr Sheryl Anderson – Chair, Liverpool Methodist District

Rt Revd Julie Conalty - Bishop of Birkenhead

Revd Geoff Felton – Moderator, Mersey Synod, The United Reformed Church

The Very Revd Dr Sue Jones, Dean of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Revd Phil Jump – Chair, CTMR and Regional Minister, North West Baptist Association

Rt Revd Beverley A Mason, Bishop of Warrington

Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP – Archbishop of Liverpool

Rt Rev Tom Neylon - Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Canon Tony O’Brien, Dean of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Rt Revd Dr John Perumbalath – Bishop of Liverpool

Major David Taylor – District Commander, Salvation Army North West Division

Please find below a  link to a short prayer:

28th July

Holiday Club starts tomorrow, 29 July  and runs throughout this week until Friday. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 9.00am on Monday to prepare for the day ahead.  If anyone is free after the service today and is able to help with setting up tables, we would be very grateful. Many thanks to all who give of their time.


Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Tim.

21st July

Open Door Coffee will be meeting in the Lounge this coming Friday 26 July from 10 am until 12 noon and please note this will be their last meeting until September.

There will be a meeting, following the service today, for all those who have kindly volunteered to help at the Holiday Club which begins a week tomorrow 29 July. Eira hopes to see you there.

We are delighted to have Tim with us this morning and how good it was to see his induction as Moderator of the General Assembly online last Monday.  Tim, we wish you well with all that coming year will bring.

Just one date for your diary- Sunday 8 September for a barbeque after our morning service. Save that date!

Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Yvonne Campbell

Refreshments will be served after the service today, so please do stay and enjoy a coffee and a chat.


  • Monday Club will be meeting tomorrow for afternoon tea at Dobbies 

  • There will be a short mOpen Door Coffee morning will be held on Friday 19th July. 
  • eeting at the end of next week’s service for volunteers of the Holiday Club. 
  • Last Sunday’s concert raised £405 for church funds. Many thanks to all who were able to support us.

  • Our worship next Sunday morning will be at the usual time of 10 o’clock and will be led by Revd Tim Meadows.
  • As you probably know, our minister Tim Meadows will be inducted to the role of Moderator of General Assembly of the United Reformed Church tomorrow Monday morning 15th July, during  the closing worship at 11.15am.  Please find below the link to the livestream for General Assembly which will include the service so that you may join Tim in spirit to witness this momentous event in his ministry and in the life of our church at Allerton and of Mersey Synod. 

7th July

Open Door Coffee will be meeting in the Lounge this coming Friday, 12th July  from 10 am until 12 noon.

Tim is in York this weekend with the Church of England General Synod and  a week tomorrow,  (15th July), will be inducted as Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church so we send him our very best wishes and God's blessing for both events. 


Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Wynne Davies.


There will be a retiring collection at the end of the service today for the Benevolent Fund.

30th June

The Sounds of Music! Concert will be held on Sunday, July 7 from 2.00pm. This concert will feature an abundance of talents, both young and old, and includes an adult choir, children’s choir, a youth ensemble and several solo items, plus songs from the beautiful soprano voice of Annie Wang. Many of you will recall the Christmas concert in which she captivated her audience with her wonderful performance and I am sure you will want to hear her performing again! It will be an afternoon in the church to charm and enthral, so please come along. Tickets priced £5 to include refreshments after the concert. Proceeds for church funds.


Elders (7pm) and Managers (8.15pm) meet on Wednesday, 3rd July.


Open Door coffee meet on Friday 10am to 12 noon in the Sanctuary

The preacher for next Sunday's service will be Chris Jones 


 On Sunday, 9th June the joint congregations of Allerton and St Stephen's  URCs made a surprise presentation of a specially-commissioned preaching stole to mark Tim's   election as Moderator of The General Assembly of the United Reformed Church.  His term of office commences this month, July 2024 and will last for a year. To see the photos, click HERE

23rd June

2024 is the year of RADS'  50th birthday and a book has been written to mark the occasion - “Celebrating 50 years of RADS”. It is now on sale to Church Members and friends at the price of £6.99 and £2 from each sale will be donated to Church funds. There are many names and faces from the past 50 years of the Group in the book and some of you will know and remember them- it is a good read. Copies are on the table at the back of the Church. Please do purchase one if you can.


Open Door Coffee will be meeting on Friday 28 June in the Lounge from 10am until 12 noon as usual.


We are presenting a Concert called “The Sounds of Music” in the Church on Sunday, 7th July from 2.00 until 4.00 pm.

It will feature the beautiful Soprano voice of Annie Wang plus adult and children’s choirs, a Youth Ensemble and some solo performances. Tickets priced at £5 to include light refreshments are now on sale from Jennie and David Jones and proceeds will go to Church Funds. You are warmly invited to attend what will be a very enjoyable event.


Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am and will be led by Christine Kellett.

9th June

RADS are presenting “Stopped Interrupting”, a comedy by local playwright and author Nick Broadhead from Wednesday to Saturday 12th-15th June in the Church Hall at 7.30 pm each evening. Tickets are on sale from Sue or Nick priced at £10, £7 concessions and £4 children and they are also available online at Ticket Source or on the door on the evening of the performances. We are hoping that the show will be well supported so please do come along and support RADS. 

This is also the year of RADS’ 50th birthday. A book has been written to mark the occasion which has just been published and  will be on sale at performance evenings

Open Door Coffee will be meeting  on Friday 14 June from 10 until 12 noon.

Next Saturday 15 June will be a busy day as on that afternoon, between 2 and 4 pm, we will be holding our Plant Sale and Strawberry Tea here in the Church.  There will be an array of plants for purchase to stock up your gardens and we will be serving a delicious strawberry tea. There will also be cake and book stalls plus a raffle.

The price of entrance and the tea is £6 but, if you just want to come and visit the stalls, the entrance fee is £1. All proceeds will go to Church funds.

Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time and will be led by Rachel Metcalfe

Special Refreshments will be served after the service today, to give Tim a send-off as he embarks on his momentous year as Moderator of General Assembly  so please do stay and enjoy.

2nd June

Youth Council meet in the Committee Room at 8 pm on Monday, 3 June

Elders and Managers meet on Tuesday, 4 June in the Lounge; The Elders’ session will commence at 7 pm with the Joint Council at 8.15 pm, all as usual.

Open Door Coffee will be meeting in the Church on Friday, 7 June- as it is the first Friday of the month- with all the usual stalls from, 10.00 am until12 noon.

RADS are presenting “Stopped Interrupting”, a comedy by local playwright and author Nick Broadhead from Wednesday to Saturday 12th-15th June in the Church Hall at 7.30 pm each evening. Tickets are on sale from Sue or Nick priced at £10, £7 concessions and £4 children and they are also available online at Ticket Source or on the door on the evening of the performances. We are hoping that the show will be well supported so please do come along and support RADS. 

This is also the year of RADS’ 50th birthday. A book has been written to mark the occasion which has just been published and will be available for purchase very shortly.

Saturday, 15 June will be a busy day as on that afternoon, between 2 and 4 pm, we will be holding our Plant Sale and Strawberry Tea here in the Church.  There will be an array of plants for purchase to stock up your gardens and we will be serving a delicious strawberry tea. There will also be cake and book stalls, plus a raffle.

It promises to be a lovely social event so please make a note of it in your diary The price of entrance and the tea is £6 but if you just want to come and purchase plants the entrance fee is £1 and of course all proceeds will go to Church funds.

There will be a collection for the Benevolent Fund at the end of today’s service. 

26th May

For anyone wishing to reserve a place for their children or grandchildren at our Summer Holiday Club, running from Monday 29th July until Friday 2nd August, registration forms are now available via the Church e-mail address - if anyone has any difficulty with this, please speak with Eira or see the flyer, below and on the What's On page here.

Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00am be led by Dr Ron Reid.

19th May

We will be running a holiday club, just as we did last year for 5–11-year-olds. It will run from Monday, 29 July until Friday, 2 August. Last year the response to requests for help was tremendous and we are asking once again if you would like to assist us in delivering a week of fun and excitement as a way of outreach work 

If any prospective helpers have children in this age bracket, you are more than welcome to bring them along, as long as they are registered. For now, all you have to do is let Eira, Jenny or Fiona know that you would like to help- many thanks. 

March 31st - Resurrection Day 2024




Easter 2023

Sunday, 31st March, Easter Sunday, will be a communion service led by Reverend Geoff Felton, the Moderator of Mersey Synod.

Thanks to Revd. Geoff Felton our Moderator for coming today and presiding over our Easter Communion service and also to Chris Jones for playing the piano and organ.

Thanks also to all who helped decorate the church with flowers for Easter.


There is a box at the back of the church for donations to the Red Cross Appeal for the people of Israel and Gaza affected by the war on Hamas. It will remain there until next week. Please give as generously as you are able.


There is a wedding in the church at 1pm next Saturday, 6th, April. The bride is Eira’s daughter, Rachael,  who is marrying Mike Oliver. 


Today is the final day for items for the church magazine, so please pass any items to Jenny Makepeace.


Our Minister Tim  is back on Tuesday and will lead our service next Sunday at the usual time of 10.00am..


The Open Doors coffee morning will be held next Friday, 5th April in the church from 10am to 12 noon with the usual refreshments, books and pre-loved clothes.


An advanced notice that a Vintage Magpie Roadshow will be held in the church on Friday 26 April. Experts from the valuation service will be in attendance from 10am – 4pm and invite people to bring along their vintage items or antiques. Valuations are free but,  if you are interested in selling, they will make you and offer.  

24th March

The British Red Cross have launched an appeal to help the people of Israel and Gaza affected by the war on Hamas.  There is a box for your donations at the back of the church which will be there until Sunday, 7th April.

The collection of food here for the benefit of the South Liverpool Food Bank is continuing during Lent There is a basket at the back of the Church in which you can place your donations.  You know by now the most needed items and Ruth has taken many full bags to the Foodbank over the last few Mondays so let's try to keep it up and finish well in the run up to Easter.

Next Friday, 29th March, Good Friday, there is a joint service at St Stephens at 11.00 am and all are welcome to attend.

Next Sunday, 31st March, Easter Sunday, will be a communion service led by Reverend Geoff Felton, the Moderator of Mersey Synod.

Our Minister, Tim, is away until a week on Tuesday, April 2nd. In case of a pastoral matter of concern, please see your elder.

17th March

Monday Club meets tomorrow at 1.30pm featuring a quiz organised by June LeBroc.

The Spring Fair was a great success with £1285 being raised towards church funds. Thanks to all that help organise the event and to all who supported what was a great day.

The Phoenix Singers are performing in church next Saturday 23rd March at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from Dave Jones after the service at a cost of £5. See their poster in our What's On page.

The collection for South Liverpool Foodbank throughout Lent has been well supported and we have had a letter from the Foodbank thanking everyone. The collection boxes will remain at the back of the church until Easter.

There are a lot of humanitarian crises in the world at the moment. Starting next week there will be a box at the back of the church for anyone who wants to make a donation to the British Red Cross for the Israel and Palestine Appeal.

The service next week will be taken by Christine Kellet.

Tim will be away from Tuesday for two weeks

 Ongoing Notices

It is our intention to carry on using the computer, projector and screen for our services here at Allerton. There is quite a bit of preparation that goes into having hymns and readings on the screen and we would like to spread the workload as best we can. If you or a member of your family are familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint and can spare a couple of hours once a month to assist with the setting up of a PowerPoint presentation, we would like to hear from you. Please speak to Ruth Winterburn or Charles Lasham.

Our Minister,Tim has been elected to be Moderator of General Assembly of the URC for the year commencing July 2024. This is a great accolade for him, and we extend our heartiest congratulations.

April 9th - Resurrection Day 2023




Easter 2023