Safeguarding Policy

The church's Safeguarding Policy is set out below. In the event of any need to raise any matter of concern, please contact the Church Safeguarding Co-Ordinator, Dr Ruth Winterburn or her deputy Mrs Eira Kelly. Their contact details are to be found at the foot of the document or on the Contact Us page.

 Allerton United Reformed Church

Mather Avenue

L18 7HD


1.                 Aim and purpose of this policy

The aim of this policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. This includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised.


Who this policy applies to

This policy is approved and endorsed by the Elders and applies to:

      All members of our church

      All those who attend and serve our church/place of worship and its services

      Our Trustees and Elders

      Paid staff (both internal and external eg contractors or consultants)


      Organisations and groups which hire our building with written agreement to operate under the church safeguarding policy.


Principles underpinning the policy

      Our theology and values

      Our commitment to put the welfare of children and adults at risk and otherwise.

      A willingness to be open and listen to everyone

      A commitment to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.


The term ‘children’ refers to those under the age of 18 years.

 The term ‘adult at risk’ refers to any adult aged 18 or over who, by reason of mental or other disability, age, illness or other situation, are permanently, or for the time being, unable to take care of themselves, or to protect themselves against significant harm, abuse or exploitation.

 Duty of care and confidentiality

We have a duty of care to all beneficiaries of the church, whether children or adults.

We will always maintain confidentiality, except in circumstances where to do so would place the

individual or another individual at risk of harm or abuse.

2.                 Creating a safer culture

We are committed to creating a safer culture in our church which will help us to prevent harm

from occurring and provide an environment in which all can flourish.


In line with Chapter two of Good Practice 6, we will:

      We have a Church Safeguarding Coordinator and deputy and ensure contact details are available for anyone to report a concern

      We have a safeguarding policy which is reviewed annually and updated when necessary

      We endeavour to practice safer recruitment procedures for paid and volunteer roles

      We ensure all those working with children and/or adults at risk are given copies of relevant Codes of Conduct

      We endeavour to follow the requirements of the training framework

      We comply with legal requirements in respect of data protection

      We complete the Annual Church Safeguarding Return

      We ensure safeguarding is a regular agenda item for church and Elders’ meetings.

3.                 Ensuring safer activities

Whilst it is not possible to guard against every eventuality, we are committed to providing as safe

an environment as possible for activities both on and off church premises.


In line with Chapter three of Good Practice 6, we will:

      Ensure appropriate insurance is in place for buildings and activities

      Consider the implications of data protection and health and safety requirements for

specific activities

      Carry out risk assessments for relevant activities or events

      Ensure adequate staffing for activities and that leaders have suitable training, are aware of

relevant guidance and agree to follow relevant Codes of Conduct

      Ensure the hirer’s agreement is in place for other organisations using church premises.

      Seek advice from the Synod Safeguarding Officer for complex or sensitive risks.

4.                 Recognising and responding to concerns

We acknowledge that, although promoting Safer Culture and Safer Activities will help to protect all those in contact with the church, some concerns will inevitably arise and we are committed to responding well in such circumstances.


In line with Chapter four of Good Practice 6, we will:

      We endeavour to promote awareness of different kinds of abuse, other vulnerabilities and types of safeguarding concern

      To seek to create a ‘listening culture’

      We inform the Synod Safeguarding Officer as a minimum of any situations where involvement

from statutory services is/may be required

      We share information with statutory services as appropriate and co-operate with them during any investigations

      We report any serious safeguarding incident to the Charity Commission and notify the Synod

Safeguarding Officer.

5.                 Managing allegations and people who may pose a risk to others

Where allegations are made against individuals within the Church, we are committed to following all required investigative and regulatory procedures. We will work in collaboration with the Synod, wider Church staff, statutory agencies and other relevant organisations.

In line with Chapter five of Good Practice 6, we will:

      Co-operate fully with any investigative or disciplinary procedures

      Inform the Synod Safeguarding Officer immediately on becoming aware of anyone in the

church who may present a risk to others

      Work with the Synod Safeguarding Officer and contribute relevant information for risk


      Alert the Synod Safeguarding Officer or statutory agencies to known breaches of a

safeguarding agreement.

6.                 Supporting victims and survivors

The key principle underpinning our policy and practice in this area is that all those who have experienced abuse, whether recently or in the past ‘will be listened to and offered the pastoral care and support they deem appropriate and relevant, irrespective of type of abuse, context, or when this occurred’ (General Assembly policy statement 2021).

In line with Chapter six of Good Practice 6, we will:

      Recognise that the Elders’ meeting has responsibility for provision of pastoral care

      Be aware of local support services that people can be referred or directed to

      Ensure those in relevant roles attend appropriate training

      Seek advice from the Synod Safeguarding Officer about provision of appropriate support

when necessary.

7.                 Key contacts

Church Safeguarding Coordinator


  Ruth Winterburn


 Deputy Church Safeguarding Coordinator


 Eira Kelly


 Synod Safeguarding Officer


Julie Rafferty



URC Safeguarding Officer (This should only be used if you are unable to contact your Synod Safeguarding Officer)




Local Statutory Services Liverpool: Children


  0151 233 3700 (24 hour service)


  Local Statutory Services Liverpool: Adult


  0151 233 3800 (24 hour service)